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    Call for Nominations: GEA Merrell Flair Award in Medical Education

    The AAMC Group on Educational Affairs Merrell Flair Award in Medical Education

    Call for Nominations

    The Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) is now soliciting nominations for the Merrell Flair Award in Medical Education which honors an individual who has made a major contribution over a significant time period to the process or administration or transmission of information regarding medical education in North America. 

    View the list of previous awardees here

    Nomination Deadline: September 21, 2023

    Nomination Criteria, Eligibility, and Process:


    Nominees must currently be or have recently been active in the GEA. Current involvement is not essential though it will be considered a positive factor in deciding the recipient; previous participation is essential.  In addition, nominees must have served in a leadership position in the GEA. The contributions made by the nominee to the field of medical education should reflect a strong positive impact on the educational mission, administrative process, or public image of the Group on Educational Affairs as an organization and the membership of the GEA.


    Nominees are welcome from the membership of the GEA. See membership criteria for a full description. (See Article IV: Membership)


    The GEA Steering Committee will consider both self-nominations as well as nominations on behalf of deserving GEA colleagues. Please submit Letters of Nomination to the GEA mail box (GEA@aamc.org) by Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:59 pm PT

    Guidelines for nomination letters are attached to this email.  Please read these guidelines carefully prior to submission. 

    Questions?  Contact Stephen McKenzie (smckenzie@aamc.org)

    Guidelines for letters of Nomination:

    The GEA recognizes an outstanding medical educator annually with the Merrell Flair Award. The purpose of this award is: to honor an individual who has made a major contribution over a significant time period to the process or administration or transmission of information regarding medical education in North America.

    All GEA members are eligible for nomination.  For a full list of GEA membership categories click here (See Article IV: Membership)

    As part of the nomination process, each nominee requires a letter of support.   Please include the following information in the letter:

    • Institutional Affiliation:  Include information about the nominee’s current appointment including rank and institutional affiliation.  Also note prior institutional appointments. 
    • Leadership:  Describe the nominee’s leadership role in the field of medical education, being sure to describe the key areas of medical education where the nominee is recognized as well as nominee’s scholarly contributions to the field.    
    • Impact on Others:  Describe mentoring (formal or informal) provided by the individual that has allowed others to advance in medical education.  How have others benefited from working with the nominee or from materials created by the nominee?
    • GEA Involvement:  How has the nominee contributed to the GEA?  This may be through leadership at the regional or national level or through active involvement in projects (e.g., MERC, LEAD) that are supported by the GEA. 
      • NOTE: Current involvement in GEA activities is not essential to be considered for the award, though will be considered as a positive factor.  Previous participation is essential.

    Nomination Deadline: September 21, 2023

    Please address the letter to Group on Educational Affairs Steering Committee.  Letters should be no more than two pages, 12-point font with one-inch margins.   

    Please email a signed copy of the letter to the GEA mailbox (gea@aamc.org)  

    Include “Merrell Flair Nomination Letter“ in the subject line of the email.