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    DWS Analytics for Schools

    Using ERAS Data to Support Medical School Deans and Advisors

    Dean's Office WorkStation (DWS) Analytics for Schools enables medical school deans and advisors to harness the power of ERAS data by generating a broad array of useful reports that provide insight into students’ activities in applying to residency. Medical school officials can access the rich and robust data that they can only get from the ERAS system to understand trends, identify new opportunities, evaluate, and measure impacts.

    All DWS users will have access to their institution’s reports. Users sign in with their AAMC username and password to access DWS Analytics for Schools.

    Learn the basics of this system by watching a recorded webinar: Harnessing ERAS Data in DWS Analytics for Schools.

    Versatile Interactive Dashboards

    Student Activity: Track students’ overall progress through the ERAS season from registering tokens to accepting interview invitations.

    Application Package Overview: See individual students’ actions in the current seasons, including assigning documents and completing applications; gain insight into program signals and geographic preferences.

    Specialty and Program Overview: View students’ specialty and program application and match trends from the current season and year over year.

    Interviews: Access visualizations and reports on student progress through the interview process; examine season-over-season trends, gain demographic insights.

    Users can generate CSV self-service exports for aggregate data.  

    Need Help? Contact ERAS Support.

    DWS Analytics for Schools Job Aids

    If you need help using DWS Analytics for Schools, take time to review these helpful PDF job aids.

    Interactive dashboard job aids:

    Data export job aids: