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Welcome osteopathic professionals and future physicians!

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) are united in their shared goal of supporting medical students and the medical education community.

Through an expanded collaboration with AACOM, the AAMC is pleased to offer access to several services and resources to the osteopathic medical education community.

QuickStart Webinar

AAMC program leaders hosted a webinar on July 21 that offered an overview of each program and information on how to access programs and training.

Message from CEOs

Read a message from David J. Skorton, MD, president and CEO of the AAMC, and Robert A. Cain, DO, president of AACOM.


The following programs are available for some AACOM members.

To determine when you will receive access:

  1. Review individual program information below.
  2. Review the access schedule, which will be updated as access becomes available.
A group of residents practicing a CPR on a dummy during a training class.

Careers in Medicine

Careers in Medicine® (CiM) offers tools and resources to help medical students and those who advise them to navigate specialty selection, residency application, and career development.

Designed for: Medical students, advisors

If you already have access to CiM, your access will not change. Others will receive access as their schools provide student credentials. This agreement provides access to OMS I students and advisors and does not affect OMS II, OMS III, or OMS IV students.

Watch a recording - Careers in Medicine Resources

Email Careers in Medicine



Financial Information, Resources, Services, and Tools (FIRST)

FIRST offers the Osteopathic Loan Organizer and Calculator (OLOC), which provides osteopathic medical student and resident users with a secure location to organize and track their loans and calculate custom repayment plans.

Designed for: Osteopathic medical students, financial aid officers

Students will have access to OLOC and the AAMC Financial Wellness program at no cost as their schools provide student credentials. Advisors will have access to administrator functions in the Financial Wellness program. For OLOC account help, contact dhales@aamc.org.

Watch a brief demo on how to use the Osteopathic Loan Organizer and Calculator

Watch a recording - Financial Resources - FIRST, OLOC, and Financial Wellness



Medical student talking to a medical faculty

Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®)

The Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) program is a network of medical schools and teaching hospitals in the United States and in 38 other nations. The VSLO service enables medical and public health students to search for and apply to short-term elective opportunities that can enhance their medical education.

Designed for: Medical students, institutions

Participating DO schools can now choose, along with their Home institutional role, to become Host institutions. Additionally, schools can elect to participate in the VSLO Global Network.

Students can participate in the VSLO program through their participating Home institution.

Contact: Call 202-478-9878 (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET) or complete this contact form.


Curriculum Resources

Curriculum Resources

The Curriculum SCOPE Survey, launched in 2023, collects medical education program data regarding curriculum structure, content, organization, process, and evaluation. This data collection supports the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and American Association of Osteopathic Colleges of Medicine (AACOM) missions and advocacy work, informs medical school strategic plans and evidence-based curriculum decisions, and facilitates scholarship and dissemination. Participating medical schools receive a custom SCOPE Medical School Report, which includes national aggregate benchmarked data and row-by-row medical school-level data so participants may conduct their own analyses.

Additional curriculum resources available include the virtual Curriculum Community, the Building Better Curriculum webinar series, and guidance regarding curriculum mapping and management.

Designed for: Faculty and staff with roles in curriculum

Questions? Email curriculum@aamc.org