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Our Leadership

David J. Skorton, MD
Under Dr. Skorton, the AAMC is undertaking a bold, multiyear strategic plan to lead and serve academic medicine to improve the health of people everywhere.
David A. Acosta, MD
David A. Acosta, MD, provides strategic vision and leadership for the AAMC’s diversity and inclusion activities across the medical education community.
Diana Bourke
Diana Bourke serves as the primary point of accountability for the execution of the AAMC’s strategic action plans and as chief data officer.
Gabrielle V. Campbell, MBA, LLM
Gabrielle V. Campbell, MBA, LLM, leads operations, research, and development efforts to drive innovation of the AAMC service programs, including the MCAT® exam.
Susan Cato
Susan Cato leads the AAMC’s communications and marketing strategy to ensure visibility and make meaningful impact in unique and innovative ways.
Constance M. Filling, EdD
Constance M. Filling, EdD, leads the AAMC’s member education, leadership, and professional development training programs.
Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH
Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH, leads AAMC programs that support medical research and the training of physician-scientists and researchers in academic medicine.
Atul Grover, MD, PhD
Atul Grover, MD, PhD, leads the AAMC Research and Action Institute to convene experts to examine issues affecting American health care.
Jonathan B. Jaffery, MD, MS, MMM, FACP
Jonathan B. Jaffery, MD, MS, MMM, FACP, leads the AAMC’s efforts to improve health care access, quality, and equity and to advance clinical effectiveness.
Pierre Joanis
Pierre Joanis, MBA, leads the AAMC’s overall human resources function, which includes people, leaders, and culture.
Stephen J. Lopez, PhD, MBA
Stephen J. Lopez, PhD, MBA, leads the AAMC’s Information Technology team and guides strategic plans to improve the association’s technological capabilities.
Amir Mesarwi Head Shot
Amir Mesarwi, MBA, oversees all financial and administrative operations at the AAMC and stewards its resources to fulfill the association’s missions.
Jennifer M. Schlener
Jennifer M. Schlener enhances the strategic alignment of work across the AAMC.
Frank R. Trinity, JD
Frank R. Trinity, JD, provides legal guidance and counsel to the AAMC’s Leadership Team, Board of Directors, and staff.
Danielle Turnipseed
Danielle Turnipseed, JD, MHSA, MPP, leads the AAMC’s public policy and legislative advocacy efforts on issues affecting the health of people everywhere.
Alison J. Whelan, MD
Alison J. Whelan, MD, leads the AAMC’s initiatives to transform medical education and workforce preparation across the full continuum of medical education.

Our Board of Directors

The AAMC is governed by a 19-member Board of Directors.

A History of Strong Leadership

The AAMC’s elected leadership dates back to 1876.