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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Submits Comments to NIH on Strategies to Enhance Physician Scientist Training through the NIGMS MSTP

    Jodi (Lubetsky) Yellin, PhD, Director of Research Workforce, Training, and Science Policy

    The AAMC August 8 submitted comments to the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) in response to a Request for Information on strategies to enhance physician-scientist training through the NIGMS Medical Scientist (MD-PhD) Training Program (MSTP).

    In its letter, the AAMC recognizes that MD-PhD combined degree programs provide an important training pathway for those pursuing careers as physician scientists. The AAMC also thanks NIH for its leadership and support of MD-PhD combined degree programs through the MSTP, which has produced over 10,000 graduates since its inception in the 1960s. Additionally, the association presents a number of recommendations to NIGMS, including:

    Multiple “on-ramps” should be available for pursuing a career as a physician scientist and for entering MD-PhD programs;

    Individuals pursuing an MD-PhD program ideally should have prior research experience to ensure that they know a career as a physician scientist is right for them, although this may not always be possible, particularly for applicants from non-standard backgrounds;

    MSTPs should implement holistic review of applicants and maintain a strong commitment to increasing diversity of their applicant pool and trainees;

    Shifting training costs to the trainees has the potential to move them away from entering research careers;

    Programs should emphasize professional development, mentor engagement, individual development, and wellness; and

    Institutional infrastructure must create a robust environment for trainees.