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HMH Urgent Care with Behavioral Health

With monthslong waits to see a mental health provider in the U.S., mental health urgent care clinics have been sprouting up. But can they meet the need?

  • Aug. 21, 2024
Close-up of adult hand holding a positive result COVID-19 or SARS CoV-2 test kit with result

The latest, highly contagious subvariants are driving infections, but new vaccines expected this fall may help stem the tide of another wave.

  • Aug. 29, 2024
Firing neurons

A multidisciplinary approach to studying and treating brain disorders is shedding light on the mechanisms that may be behind psychological distress.

  • Aug. 8, 2024

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Restarting surgical procedures has been challenging, with the need to prioritize a backlog of cases while maintaining adequate supplies of PPE and ICU beds.

  • May 19, 2020
A patient in a mask is being cared for in the emergency room by two doctors in PPE

David Skorton talks with Jonathan Ripp, MD, MPH, senior associate dean for well-being and resilience and chief wellness officer at the Icahn School of Medicine.

  • May 15, 2020
Beyond the White Coat with David J. Skorton

Virtual commencement ceremonies this month will help launch over 20,000 new medical school graduates into the health care workforce.

  • May 15, 2020
On Saturday, May 16, Jourdaen Sanchez will join her classmates from the University of Kansas School of Medicine on a Zoom call to celebrate their accomplishments

The novel coronavirus is hitting remote areas where patients are poorer, sicker, and older hard. Here's how medical schools and teaching hospitals are helping.

  • May 14, 2020
The University of Mississippi Medical Center has collaborated with the state department of health to run nearly 50 COVID-19 testing sites in rural communities
Press Release

David J. Skorton issued the following statement upon the introduction of the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act.

  • May 14, 2020

Researchers at university labs and hospitals are running trials to find drugs and other treatments to save patients stricken by COVID-19.

  • May 12, 2020
Hussin Rothan, PhD, of Georgia State University investigates the impact of an arthritis drug on stopping the coronavirus from replicating itself in infected cells

Despite some technical difficulties when registration first opened, there are plenty of slots for students who want to take the exam this year.

  • May 8, 2020
A woman in a mask sits at a computer taking an exam

New editor-in-chief of Academic Medicine seeks to broaden perspectives in the esteemed journal.

  • May 7, 2020
Laura Roberts, MD, in her office

I can’t go to class, serve patients, or leave home. I’m scared for my family and don’t know how hard my education will be hit. Here’s how I'm uplifted anyway.

  • May 5, 2020
Tasnim Ahmed doesn't venture out past her yard, volunteering only from home, to avoid potentially exposing her family to the novel coronavirus

Medical schools are partnering with engineering schools to produce testing reagents, swabs, PPE, and more. Will these relationships endure beyond the pandemic?

  • May 4, 2020
Trevor Kemp, assistant manager of the University of Virginia School of Architecture’s FabLab, and Melissa Goldman, manager of the FabLab, prepare plastic film to be cut for face shields