Discovering Knowledge; Conquering Disease

The Ad Hoc Group for
Medical Research

A coalition in support of increased funding  for the National Institutes of Health.

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Sequestration Resources

Community Resources and Information on Sequestration

What People are Saying About Sequestration

  • The Baltimore Sun Oct. 18 published an article detailing the impact of sequestration on Maryland's research funding.

  • The St. Augustine Record Oct. 16 published an op-ed written by Kimberly Coshow, Ph.D., Assistant State Director at the Parkinson's Action Network, about the impact of sequestration on health and Florida's local economy.

  • The Boston Globe Oct. 3 published an article about the importance of funding for NIH and biomedical research.

  • NewsOK Aug. 25 published an op-ed written by James George, M.D., of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, warning that sequestration will put medical research in jeopardy by further limiting NIH's ability to fund research proposals.

  • The New England Journal of Medicine Aug. 23 published an op-ed written by Gordon Sun, M.D., Jeffrey Steinberg, Ph.D., and Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., warning that continuing to fund the NIH at levels that fail to keep pace with inflation coupled sequestration will result in long-term damage for the U.S.

  • The Baltimore Sun July 9 published an op-ed written by Mark Donowitz, M.D., LeBoff Professor for Research in Digestive Diseases at Johns Hopkins University, warning if Congress does not take action to avoid sequestration, "America may lose its leadership in biomedical research."

  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution June 29 published an op-ed written by David Stephen, M.D., vice president for research and professor of medicine at Emory University, and Stephen Cross, Ph.D., executive vice president for research and professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. The authors warn that looming budget cuts threaten to "derail priorities of the National Institutes of Health."

  • The Billings Gazette June 18 published an op-ed written by David Poulsen, Ph.D., research associate professor at The University of Montana College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences, urging readers to contact their Member of Congress to avoid cuts and ensure the United States continues to be the leader in science and innovation.



Please Note: If you have any sequestration resources you would like to share, please forward them to Alex Khalife at or Hayzell Gollopp at

For more information contact The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research, 202.828.0525