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    2021 MOSAIC Scholar: Cristal M. Hill, PhD

    Cristal M. Hill

    Project Title: Dietary Protein Restriction Remodels Adipose Tissue to Defend Against Age-Related Metabolic Decline
    Position: Assistant Professor
    Institution: University of Southern California
    Funding NIH Institute/Center: National Institute on Aging
    Grant ID: R00AG070273

    Cristal M. Hill grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, with ambitions in veterinary medicine, but a strong interest in endocrine diseases developed while working at a local veterinary clinic during high school. Dr. Hill received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in animal sciences from Tuskegee University, with a thesis centered on inflammatory responses during cardiovascular disease. She then moved to Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, where she earned a PhD in molecular biology, microbiology, and biochemistry. Her training included a heavy focus on the mechanisms of biological aging. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is currently an assistant professor of gerontology at the University of Southern California, where her lab focuses on the effect of dietary protein restriction on the cellular and molecular changes in adipose tissue that impact metabolic health during aging. Dr. Hill’s commitment to fostering diversity includes teaching at all levels and mentoring undergraduates at various minority-serving institutions. She has held the positions of co-chair, trainee vice-chair and secretary of the diversity, equity, inclusion, and opportunities committee of the American Aging Association trainee chapter. Dr. Hill continues to support diversity by endorsing an environment of institutional inclusion in the biomedical research workforce for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds.