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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Chief Public Policy Officer Awarded for Advocacy by Alpha Phi Alpha


    Danielle Turnipseed, Chief Public Policy Officer
    For Media Inquiries

    The AAMC co-sponsored and hosted on Sept. 11 the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Mu Lambda chapter’s First Breakfast welcoming members attending the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's (CBCF) 53rd Annual Legislative Conference. Alpha Phi Alpha is the nation’s oldest Black fraternity, emphasizing service and advocacy as part of their core mission.

    During the breakfast, the chapter presented the Excellence in Community Advocacy Award to AAMC Chief Public Policy Officer, Danielle Turnipseed, JD, MHSA, MPP, for her work as a “steward and warrior of equity, diversity and inclusion.” Throughout the breakfast, Turnipseed and colleagues highlighted the AAMC’s work to advance health equity, including through the Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine and related advocacy initiatives.

    Washington Highlights - Chief Public Policy Officer Award

    (Pictured from left to right) Len Marquez, Danielle Turnipseed, DC Councilmember Zachary Parker