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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Commends Califf Nomination as Next FDA Commissioner


    Ally Perleoni, Director, Government Relations

    AAMC President and CEO David J. Skorton, MD, and Chief Scientific Officer Ross McKinney Jr., MD, issued a Nov. 12 statement commending the nomination of Robert Califf, MD, to be the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    “Dr. Califf’s background as a cardiologist, vice chancellor for clinical and translational research at Duke University, director of the Duke Translational Medicine Institute, and founding director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute make him uniquely qualified to oversee the FDA and advise the administration on issues related to the pandemic and other health challenges facing the nation,” Skorton and McKinney stated.

    “The AAMC and the nation’s medical schools and teaching hospitals are proud to have worked with the FDA on COVID testing and vaccine development, among other issues, and we look forward to working with Dr. Califf and everyone at the FDA to improve the health of people everywhere,” they added.

    The statement follows President Joe Biden’s announcement of his intention to nominate Califf on Nov. 12. “As the FDA considers many consequential decisions around vaccine approvals and more, it is mission critical that we have a steady, independent hand to guide the FDA. I am confident Dr. Califf will ensure that the FDA continues its science and data drive decision-making,” Biden stated.

    Califf previously served as FDA commissioner from 2016-17 during the Obama administration and will again face Senate confirmation to assume the role. Janet Woodcock, MD, is currently serving as acting commissioner.