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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Comments on NCI’s RFI on Early Career Cancer Researchers


    Julia Omotade, Sr. Science Policy Specialist
    For Media Inquiries

    The AAMC submitted a letter to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on Dec. 29, 2023, in response to the institute’s request for information on the support of early career, mentored cancer researchers and trainees. In its response, the AAMC commended the NCI’s new and ongoing investments in building and sustaining a diverse, well-supported cancer research workforce. To amplify the impact of current funding mechanisms, the AAMC suggested the NCI diversify its research grant funding portfolio by coupling Congress-appropriated National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding streams with alternative funding sources.

    The AAMC also suggested that the NCI continue to invest in mechanisms that help with vulnerable career transition stages as well as continue to support staff scientists. Moreover, the AAMC called on the institute to continue supporting a “person-centric” funding mechanism that promotes the advancement of individuals throughout their career. Supporting cohort-based programs (e.g., NIH MOSAIC, FIRST); formalizing mentoring requirements for NCI-funded trainees and early investigators; and amplifying NIH-wide efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility were also among the notable recommendations.