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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC, Higher Ed Groups Send Letter Urging Congress to Pass the TREAT Act

    Jason Kleinman, Senior Legislative Analyst, Govt. Relations

    The AAMC joined 50 other higher education associations in a March 8 letter urging Congress to pass the Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment Act (TREAT, H.R. 708, S. 168).

    The letter follows a March 2 House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing on the future of telehealth that featured comments by several witnesses and members of Congress in support of the TREAT Act [see Washington Highlights, March 5]. The bill would allow health care providers who hold a valid license in good standing in at least one state to temporarily practice in all other states for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

    The letter states, “As the hearing made abundantly clear, even as the use of telehealth and tele-mental health has risen dramatically during the COVID-19 crisis, state licensure rules and complexity remain an impediment to providing much-needed health and behavioral care via telehealth technology to patients, including college students, across state lines. In response, Congress should enact the [TREAT Act] as soon as possible to address this urgent problem now while the best path to longer term licensure reform is explored.”

    The AAMC joined the higher education community in a similar letter last year after the TREAT Act was originally introduced [see Washington Highlights, Dec. 18, 2020].