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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Submits Comments on Long-Term Care Facility Staffing Rule

    In Nov. 2 comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on its proposed rule on minimum staffing standards for long-term care facilities (LTC), the AAMC stated it shared the agency’s goal to ensure high-quality and safe care for patients in those facilities and recognized the importance of safe nurse staffing. However, the association raised concerns that the proposed mandatory nurse staffing levels unintentionally could have serious negative consequences by exacerbating workforce shortages and resulting in facility closures thus decreasing access to care. The comments noted that this could impact the entire continuum of care, as hospitals would be unable to discharge patients to LTC facilities. The AAMC urged the CMS to work with Congress and other stakeholders to identify and implement alternative approaches, including investments in increasing the workforce to ensure the quality and safety of care in LTC facilities while protecting access to care.