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  • Washington Highlights

    President Biden Signs CR to Fund Government Through Nov. 17

    Katherine Cruz, Legislative Analyst
    Sinead Hunt, Senior Legislative Analyst
    For Media Inquiries

    On Sept. 30, President Joe Biden signed into law the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act (P.L. 118-15), a continuing resolution (CR) that temporarily extends the fiscal year (FY) 2023 discretionary funding levels through Nov. 17. The Senate passed the CR by a vote of 88-9 on Sept. 30, following the House’s passage of the bill with a vote of 335-91

    The CR also extends funding through Nov. 17 for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC), Teaching Health Centers, and community health centers, and it extends funding for certain other public health authorities. In addition, the CR delays the implementation of scheduled cuts to the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program until Nov. 18. The AAMC has joined the hospital community in urging congressional leadership to address these cuts, citing potential harm to safety-net hospitals and the patients and communities they serve [refer to Washington Highlights, Sept. 15].