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Washington Highlights

Washington Highlights is a weekly newsletter that provides updates on the latest legislative and regulatory activities affecting medical schools, teaching hospitals, and their patients and communities.

Recent Articles

Washington Highlights

The VA issued a July 1 RFP for sponsoring institutions that want to participate in the PPGMER.

  • July 12, 2024
HHS building
Washington Highlights

The ONC July 10 released new proposals to advance EHR interoperability and improve information sharing. 

  • July 12, 2024
two men
Washington Highlights

The CMS released the CY 2025 OPPS proposed rule addressing Medicare outpatient payment policies and quality proposals for hospitals.  

  • July 12, 2024
Group of multiracial doctors standing consulting patient records
Washington Highlights

On July 11, the CMS released the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program proposed rule. 

  • July 12, 2024
Washington Highlights

The House Appropriations Committee on July 9 approved the FY 2025 NSF spending bill on a party line vote.

  • July 12, 2024
form and stethoscope
Washington Highlights

The Senate Appropriations Committee on July 11 approved the FY 2025 VA Spending Bill by unanimous vote.

  • July 12, 2024

Other Washington Highlights Articles

Washington Highlights

The AAMC joined a July 7 letter with 163 other organizations opposing proposed cuts to the CDC in the House FY 2025 Labor-HHS appropriations bill.

  • July 12, 2024
A patient talking to a physician using a tablet
Washington Highlights

The AAMC joined a June 28 letter with 130 other organizations requesting robust funding for HRSA’s Telehealth Resource Center Program in FY 2025.

  • July 12, 2024
Washington Highlights

The House Appropriations Committee approved on July 10 the FY 2025 HHS spending bill on a party line vote.

  • July 12, 2024

Scheduled hearings and meetings related to academic medicine.

Read On the Agenda In Washington

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