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Trends Among Foreign-Graduate Faculty at U.S. Medical Schools, 1981-2000

June 2003 Analysis in Brief

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, one in four physicians in the U.S. received his/her medical degree from an institution outside of the U.S., Puerto Rico, or Canada. But less is known regarding the presence and growth of U.S. medical school faculty who received M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees from foreign institutions. Using the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Faculty Roster data, which cover approximately 95% of all full-time faculty at U.S. medical schools, this analysis answers the following questions: (1) To what extent are U.S. medical school faculty composed of those educated in foreign countries? (2) How many of these individuals are in basic and clinical science departments? (3) What types of advanced degrees do they hold? and (4) In which countries did they receive their training?

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