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    Top 10 academic medicine stories of 2023

    COVID-19 immunity. The need for more Spanish-speaking physicians. Recent breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease research. Our annual list of the most-read AAMCNews stories of 2023.

    Top Stories of 2023

    As much as we’d all like to move on from COVID-19, the disease is still with us, receding and surging at different times of the year, much like the flu and respiratory syncytial virus. Our collective interest in COVID also waxes and wanes, but in 2023, two COVID-related articles were among our most-read AAMCNews stories: One on whether some people are immune to COVID infections and another on the new COVID boosters that came out in the fall. Other topics that caught readers’ attention over the last year? Gun violence, medical advancements, and creative solutions to the nursing shortage, among others. Below we have compiled a list of our top 10 most popular stories of 2023. To get content like this delivered to your inbox every week, please sign up for our free newsletter.

    DNA helix made of multicolored bokeh dots

    Are some people immune to COVID-19?

    Many health care workers and others have never contracted the disease despite being heavily exposed. Scientists around the world are studying whether genetic mutations make some people immune to the infection or resistant to the illness.

    Digital generated image of syringe filling of COVID-19 vaccine from bottle against viruses on blue background.

    The new COVID boosters: What doctors and patients need to know

    The shots offer more protection as new variants emerge. Experts explain why people should get them, how they differ from earlier vaccines, and factors patients should consider.

    Police Line, Crime Scene, taped used to control crowd access during police activity.

    Viewpoint: It’s tempting to say gun violence is about mental illness. The truth is much more complex.

    Focusing on mental illness as the cause of mass shootings diverts attention from the larger problem of gun violence in the United States, two experts argue. It also distracts people from the real issue when it comes to guns and mental health: suicide.

    Lori Weiss, 65, a retired teacher, is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She is enrolled in a drug clinical trial and is hopeful about recent progress in disease research.

    Recent breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research provide hope for patients

    While there is no cure, researchers say a newly approved drug, advanced testing, and increasing knowledge about the disease may improve patients’ lives.

    Suchi Saria, PhD, director of the Machine Learning, AI and Healthcare Lab at Johns Hopkins (right), studies patient data produced by an artificial intelligence system that quickly detects sepsis to help save lives.

    5 medical advances that will change patient care

    Every day, scientists strive to solve some of medicine’s toughest questions. Here’s a look at recent breakthroughs that tackle painful conditions and deadly diseases.

    Older woman talking with the doctor

    The United States needs more Spanish-speaking physicians

    There are more than 40 million Spanish speakers in the country. Advocates and researchers say training more bilingual physicians could improve equitable care in Latino communities.

    At the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences, roughly 50% of internal medicine residents are non-U.S. IMGs. Of the eight residents pictured above, four are international students.

    1 in 5 U.S. physicians was born and educated abroad. Who are they and what do they contribute?

    They come from countries like India and Ghana to work in places like Kansas and the Bronx. We look at why physicians born and educated abroad come to the United States, the obstacles they face to get here, and what they contribute once they arrive.

    Two women site at computers in a virtual intensive care unit.

    Teaching hospitals are facing thousands of nursing vacancies. Here's how they're getting creative to fill the gaps

    From virtual ICUs and paid education to pathway programs, academic medical centers are stepping up to fill the need for more trained nurses.

    Various products containing CBD/cannabis/hemp: lotion, balm, soft-gel capsules, and crushed and whole hemp seeds

    CBD: Does it work? Is it safe? Is it legal?

    Cannabidiol has been used to treat insomnia, depression, anxiety, and more. But what does the science say about its safety and efficacy? And do consumers have to worry about getting into legal trouble for using marijuana’s cousin?

    Senior man at home on hospice with wife

    When home is not the best place to die

    Many terminally ill patients go home for their final days, but for others, home hospice care doesn’t work. How can health systems provide home-like care at the end of lives?