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    Rules and Regulations - WGEA


    To define the organization and governance of the Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA).


    1. Membership is by institution with annual dues to be set by the WGEA Executive Committee in consultation with the GEA Steering Committee. Institutions eligible for membership include those medical schools that are currently members of the Association of American Medical Colleges or the American Osteopathic Association, and hospitals with accredited GME programs.
    2. All faculty and staff members within member institutions will accrue the benefits of institutional membership. All individual participants in WGEA are strongly urged to enroll as members in the national Group on Educational Affairs.
    3. The decanal appointees of the GEA in the member institutions or an administrator with responsibility for education in non-GEA institutions will serve as primary conduits for communication with individual members within these institutions.


    1. Business meetings of the Western GEA shall be held at least once annually. Typically, meetings will occur at the Spring Regional Meeting and at the AAMC national meeting in the Fall. The membership institutions will be notified of such meetings at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
    2. Institutional representation will be noted in the minutes in conjunction with each action taken.
    3. Actions will be decided by a simple majority of those members present.

    Steering Committee Positions

    1. The following positions served as officers to the WGEA Steering Committee: Immediate Past-Chair, Chair, a Chair-elect, two Member-At-Large positions, and representatives from the four GEA Sections (Undergraduate Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education, Continuing Education and Improvement, Medical Education Research Scholarship and Evaluation).
    2. Election of the Chair-elect, Member-at-Large, and UME, GME, CEI and MESRE Representatives shall take place at the Annual Spring Meeting of the WGEA. LIME and CRIME chairs are elected by their respective organizations. The Annual Spring Program Chair will be appointed by the host school.
    3. All elected officers shall assume office immediately following their election. The Section Chairs for UME, GME CEI and MESRE are on 3-year terms. The Chair-elect will assume the position of Chair for a term of two years immediately following completion of his/her term as Chair-elect. The Chair shall preside over all meetings and represent the WGEA on the GEA Steering Committee. When unavailable these responsibilities will pass to the Chair's designee.
    4. If a vacancy in an elected office occurs before the completion of the incumbent's term, the position may be filled by an appointee of the Chair in consultation with the other members of the WGEA Steering Committee until an election can be held at the appropriate WGEA business meeting under the guidance of the WGEA Nominating Committee.
    5. The Steering Committee is responsible for maintaining and publishing a list of responsibilities for each elected position.
    6. Steering Committee roles and responsibilities. 


    The WGEA will include three committees: a WGEA Steering Committee, a Nominating Committee, and an Annual Program Committee.

    1. The WGEA Steering Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past Chair, Chair, Chair-elect, two Member-At-Large positions, the representatives of the four GEA Sections, the chairs of CRIME and LIME, the Annual Spring Program Chair and the Annual Spring Program Chair designee. The Steering Committee shall meet at least annually at either the spring or fall meetings.
    2. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past Chair and two additional members appointed for a one-year term by the Chair. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a recommended slate of candidates for elected positions and present them to the Steering Committee for approval. The recommended slate will then be posted on the WGEA website at least thirty days prior to the Spring meeting. The vote will be taken at the Spring meeting and by a signed absentee ballot (to be returned to the Committee prior to the business meeting). Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the time of the meeting and write-in ballots will be accepted. If necessary, the Nominating Committee shall tally any election results prior to the end of the business meeting. The results shall be announced at that meeting.
    3. The Annual Spring Program Committee: Members of the Steering Committee will serve as members of the Program Committee. Additional members of the Program Committee will be selected by the Program Chair for the upcoming meeting.


    1. The activities of the WGEA shall be supported by annual institutional membership dues, program registration fees, and a surcharge on program registration fees for persons from non-member institutions. The amount of dues and fees will be set by the WGEA Executive Committee in consultation with the GEA Steering Committee.
    2. Funds from other sources may be sought and may be used at the discretion of the Executive Committee to defray the costs of meetings or for other purposes. Disbursement of these funds must be detailed in an Annual Financial Report.


    These bylaws may be altered, repealed, or amended or new bylaws adopted by a two-thirds vote of members present at a spring or fall business meeting or by absentee mail/email ballot, of which 30 days notice of the proposed bylaw changes has been given to all institutional members. Those voting must represent a majority of the institutional membership.

    Last approved: April 27, 2010